Try A Trend: Suede Shoes in the Summer?

Try A Trend: Suede Shoes in the Summer?

Come close. I want to ask you something…


… What are you feelings about suede shoes in the summer?

Now, had you asked me this a couple years ago, I would have been, ‘Oh, heck no!’ But I also followed fashion rules like not mixing metals (I do this daily) and no white after Labor Day.


And I feel like, the fashion powers that be decided that suede shoes in the summer were acceptable a long time ago. Why else would they sell suede sandals or cut-out suede sandals in light colors during the summer?

Right? Right?

Above are some of my favorite suede shoes that you’ll probably see this summer. What are you thoughts on the matter? Yay or nay?

Oh, and p.s., I know I showed you guys on Facebook but just in case you didn’t see, my girl, Patie tried the sheer top/neon bra combo and it looks great.

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