Hair Tag

It's time to have a chat with Mother Nature. I have been trying to get to the beach for a while now to no avail. What gives Mother Nature? Why don't you want me to let my hair down--literally--and have some fun in the sun and...

You guys know that I've been struggling with my hair here. I don't have a hairdresser I'm especially comfortable with (though, I did find someone at DryBar) and I don't like a lot of different people in my head. To be completely honest, I really want...

My mom came to visit last weekend. Pause for a huge smile. It was nice. She brought some of my things from home, so I could start moving out of my suitcases and start feeling like I belong. Here's thing though, she had been talking about this...

Sunday morning, I didn't like my hair. I was bored and ready to cut it. The only thing stopping me was that I didn't exactly narrow down how short--and I don't have a hairstylist that I trust yet. I was so tired of my hair....

Yall, Target is winning. Like, something serious. As if that place wasn't a money trap just by walking in there, now we can expect their holiday collection with Neiman Marcus to be everything. Random note, I know here in this picture, my shoes look too big. They aren't. I...

Remember when I mentioned that I had been wearing church curls for a week before pining my hair? Well, here they are, in all their glory.Usually when I leave the salon like this, I go home and wrap it. Immediately. It gives me lots of volume and body.But one...

I can't remember which of you suggested that I pin my hair for a couple days before wrapping it, but I love you for suggesting that. I pinned my hair for almost the whole week after I had it done. I didn't mind the church curls!...