sipping on the crewlade Tag

*cue Kanye's horns* Extra bright, I want y'all to see thisssss--Is there not a Kanye song for every mood? Don't answer that unless you love him (in spite of Kim Kardashian and all she represents). All of the brights was what I thought when I caught a...

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion is legit. Storytime, y'all. On Wednesday it was 50 degrees--or so my iPhone said--but coupled with the fact that there was a 30 degree wind chill and I had to be at Drybar at 8am, I was freezing. I immediately regretted the decision to...

  I think it's important that you know that I went to school in the mountains. Penn State is literally in the middle of the state of Pennsylvania. Surrounded by, yup, that's right, mountains. For four years, I became accustomed to be being accosted with snow in...

Via I'm going to be honest here, everyday during Fashion Week that I don't wake up hangover and try to wear the same outfit I wore the day before is a success. Eat before you drink, guzzle water before bed, kids. I was a pro at...

We're about to get pretty personal here, FYI. This polar vortex is doing something bad to my skin. Like, really bad. My friends laugh at me because I just about (and have) refuse to wear pants. Pants depress me. Even in the chills of -8 degree weather--you...

I'm feeling pretty nostalgic  about my life here in the city. I somehow missed my year anniversary (it was the 22nd), between that and my upcoming birthday, I just want to lay in bed, watch Sex and the City and eat cupcakes--post Fashion Week perhaps...

So here's the thing about zodiac signs, because they fit literally a million people, I never thought mine was particularly accurate. That and horoscopes only seem to come true after I read them. For instance, I'm having a great day and then I check my...

It's hard to imagine, but if I were to travel during the late 19th century, right up until the civil rights era, I would more than likely had to consult Victor Green's The Negro Traveler's Green Book for appropriate and safe accommodations...

Remember Carrie's slip-up in Paris? When she marched into the gorgeous suite she shared with the Russian and was like, "I fell in Dior." I always imagined that would be mortifying until I had my on little mishap...

Again.  On our last night in London, it's all starting to blur to be honest, Stephanie asked me what was so great about Paris. Everyone that has been says it's one of the greatest places ever, and I just can't fathom how that could be, she...