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  I am quite aware that the man in the Target commercial is saying 'binders,' and not 'bindas,' but doesn't that sound like what he's saying? Sigh, I love back to school time. The commercials, the new clothes, fall fashion. When I was in school, my mom and I...

I know yall are like please, Chan, stop with those blue suede shoes. As my mom says when I've been wearing something too much, you don't have anything else that you could wear?I am one that falls in love with an item and then wears the heck out of...

Yesterday, I went to the Governor's Mansion for a dinner where my parents--among others--were being honored for their exceptional parenting. But listen, this is the best part: I took a trip to the ladies room and didn't want to leave. I'm serious. I would have moved...

I've always liked seeing my name on things. When I learned how to spell it, I wrote in on the wall in crayon--sorry Mom, LOL. I'll write it on whatever's close to me if I'm sitting somewhere for too long. Those personalized plagues that hung in...

My smile is the result of 12 years of thumb sucking (let my dad tell it, I started five minutes after I was born), 3 years of braces, and two surgeries--three if you count wisdom teeth.But never a cavity.I say all this to say that...

I'm colorblocking, yall! And I took inspiration from one of the best, Ms. June Ambrose.In the process, though, I am once, again, a walking J.Crew ad. They should just go ahead and put me on payroll. *Speaking it into existence* The only things that aren't J.Crew are...