Zara Tag

It seems almost silly to post these photos considering the weather is actually nice today. New York is having some winter. Let me tell you. When I first moved here, a winter storm followed shortly after and everyone said this was the worst winter the New York’s experienced...

By now I'm sure you've seen the video of  walking through an airport in New York. He's returning home presumably to get ready for his Adidas release and not-so-secret something taking place presentation during New York Fashion Week. As he's walking, a photographer is peppering him with questions. Are you...

I hated for a minute that I got caught up in the hype of starting a New Year and the subsequent New Year, New Me attitude that follows. You guys know I take stock in my life, evaluating what can enter a new year with me...

In college, I had this sociology class that I really enjoyed. Once, I don't remember the exact assignment but we had to talk about a time when we had to be the first one to do something, spurring change. I remember talking about my decision to...

When I first moved into my apartment, I was worried that I made a mistake. My last apartment was on the fourth floor and in a relatively quiet neighborhood. There’s a lot going on in my new ‘hood. I have Second Avenue Subway construction going on at...

I met with my Girls Write Now mentee on Sunday. She has a Scholastic essay competition that we’re getting ready for. We decided to combine two of our first prompts together to create a short story. When we were paired together at the start of the school...

Casual Friday Outfit I've been watching nothing but The Newsroom on HBOGo and Netflix movies where Edith Head served as the costume designer. I made a list of the films she worked and I am determined to watch them all. Starting with Funny Face, Roman Holiday, Rear Window, Sabrina, and What a Way to Go. Anyway.
Wearing all white (leather) in the summer Truthfully, I liked the majority of the photos that my coworker took for me that one time I ventured to Harlem for brunch. 

But I don't have anything to say worthy of a blog post to go with them.

How to wear leather shorts in the summer

If I’m being honest, New York kicked me in my *ss last week in a major way.

My mother came up from Pennsylvania on Friday to see with her own eyes that I was okay. I don’t care that I’m 27 and I needed my mom. And I don’t care if you know that, either.