Perfectly Polished: OPI Warm & Fozzy

Perfectly Polished: OPI Warm & Fozzy

I welcomed in 2012 with a warm & fozzy feeling, hehe. Thanks to my boo Ms. Kamille who so kindly sent me an OPI Muppet Mini Lacquer Set.

Warm & Fozzy is a color unlike any that I have in my collection (which is quite a feat in itself). Perfectly bronze or gold or even reddish brown depending on how the light hits it.

And, it holds up really well! I finally got around to taking these pictures about a week after I did my nails. Fab, right?

This polish is like a finely mined glitter that resembles foil. I love it, but it’s really hard to capture accurately in pictures.

And after seeing the pictures of Kamille wearing Designer de Better, I think I need to try that one next.

Thanks again, Kamille 🙂


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