I Was Laid Off—and I Didn’t Die

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I Was Laid Off—and I Didn’t Die

Saturday will make it exactly three months since I was laid off.

I’m not saying it for pity or sympathy. I’m okay. Really, I promise.

In this really weird way, I’ve become whom I wanted to be when I first moved to New York City. I was working with a life coach in the beginning of the year. Our last session together, coincidently, was the night before my last day in office at my first official job as a writer.

How to wear a sequin skirt casuallyShe cautioned me not to give into the bad days, to utilize my network, and realize that this in no way was indicative of me or my goals. She gently reminded me to remember all of the things I said I wanted for myself and that this was a time, perhaps, to kick them in motion.

My first Monday home, I made a list of things I’ve been saying I wanted to do but never found the time. Redo my site. Line my cabinets with contact paper and organize their contents. Clean out my closets. Do a massive donation at Goodwill. Finish Boardwalk Empire. Start Breaking BadThe Newsroom, too. Create a social media wall for my apartment. Start running again. Sit in the park and read.   

I went home for a couple weeks. Got to know my brother again. Met his girlfriend. Hung out with my mom. Started happy hours at my parents’ house. 

How to wear a sequin skirt casuallyHow to wear a sequin skirt casuallyI won’t lie. There were some days I didn’t shower. Some I didn’t get out of the bed. On those days I didn’t talk to anyone. Well, that’s not true. My mom called me every day. Yaszy, too. She would remind me it was okay, tomorrow was a new day and I could get out of the bed then.

 If I’m being completely honest, for every single terrifying, what-the-f*ck-moment, there are a million ‘thank you, Jesus ones. 

I’ve gotten in front of so many companies I wouldn’t have been able to a year ago. I redid my website all by myself. And it’s given me such confidence. I used to be intimated by coding and HTML, now not so much. I made a mock magazine cover the other day. Me. Someone who could barely use Photoshop.

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Now when I feel anxious or worried, I light some sage and put on some lipstick.

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]You can’t not feel good about life in a fresh coat of lipstick.  [/inlinetweet]

“The good thing, honey,” Yaszy said when I told her I felt a little lost, “is that you have your blog. You were Channing in the City before you became Channing in the City. That’s got to make you feel good. You’ve built a brand, despite if you think it could be better or not, you still have something to work off of.”

Which, doesn’t really sound like much, or that impressive, I know, but it does help.

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It’s funny, before I was laid off I emailed my friends and family asking for advice on my “brand,” thinking it would help me at my last place of employment. It did, just with the place I’ve always been employed.


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Wearing: J.Crew Cropped Surf Sweatshirt// J.Crew Sequin Skirt// Joe’s Jeans Pumps// Chanel Bag// J.Crew Necklace// Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish// Kat Von D Lipstick in Home Girl 

I’m writing this mostly for myself.

But also for you.

Life’s hard, I know, it can suck.

But sometimes, it literally takes losing something for you to remember who you are and just what you’re capable of. Not unlike Noni’s struggle in Gina Prince-Bythewood’s (the woman who gave us Love & BasketballBeyond the Lights. Or at least that’s what I told myself when I saw the trailer.

I debated talking about this on the blog. But considering I miss when I was an actual personal style blogger, I figured it couldn’t hurt. Plus, I wanted you to know when the posts fall off, it’s because I don’t want to write anything too negative or annoyingly vague posts. There’s no way to dance around the topic and I’m hopeful that soon I can report back with good news and a cool, new exciting job.

I thought Beyond the Lights was going to be a 20somethings guide to living in New York City—you know, once you get passed the glitz of having a specific zip code. But this plotline sounds equally as inspiring. Want a chance to see Beyond the Lights for yourself?  Comment below! Tell me your last what-the-f*ck-moment or that you think Nate Parker is fione.

Something–all you have to do is comment 🙂

BEYOND THE LIGHTS is the story of Noni, the music world’s latest superstar. But not all is what it seems, and the pressures of fame have Noni on the edge – until she meets Kaz Nicol, a young cop and aspiring politician who’s been assigned to her detail. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite the protests of those around them who urge them to put their career ambitions ahead of their romance. But it is ultimately Kaz’s love that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. In Theaters November 14, 2014. #BeyondTheLights

p.s Compensation was provided by Relativity Media via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Relativity Media.
  • Margo
    Posted at 10:10h, 05 November

    Channing, my friend, this post hit home. I moved to Chiago bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work. Within 8 months I was laid off. I ended up taking a major paycut and worked as an intern for 4 months. Moved back in with the parents and had many “I don’t want to get out of bed days.” Although, I prayed my heart out, continued to encourage and uplift others… I still felt lost. I knew God had a plan, but I was screaming “God, what is it???” It took 6 months to find a new gig and I’m going on year 1 opf working for L’Oreal (Yes, God DID THAT! The best part? It’s right here in FL where my family is!) I’m sharing all of this to say that BLESSING (Amongst the many you have, are and will experience) is just around the corner. Keep on investing in YOU and keep being a beautiful beacon of light! Your blog inspired and encourages me. You are such a sister-friend! Can’t wait for the follow-up to this post. 🙂 Be encouraged dear!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 23:01h, 11 November

      I had no idea, Margo. Your light shines so bright, I would have never guessed. Girl. L’oreal?! #WONTHEDOIT?! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the encouragement. You made me tear. I feel very touched that you would share this. I appreciate you.

  • Margo
    Posted at 10:21h, 05 November

    You look adorable BTW!

  • K.♥
    Posted at 10:42h, 05 November

    I am all too familiar with the layoff struggle. At times I felt like someone just hit me with a large sack of potatoes to knock me down only for me to struggle to get back up. Putting in so much work, time and effort into a company only to be told that as a reward for all your work, you’re being laid off can be so heartbreaking. I was too down to even tell anyone. Between layoffs, internships that made my heart cry, that quarter life crisis, and freelance work I’ve still never been compensated for, I’m happy to say I’ve survived.

    Just like you, there were times I didn’t want to get out of bed or even be bothered with the world but my mom taught me something incredibly important, “don’t give anyone the opportunity to take your power away from you.” And that stays with me today. I’m not exactly where I want to be at the moment but I know where I’m going and I know my journey isn’t over yet and neither is yours.

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 23:00h, 11 November

      Mannnnn listen, I will never, ever, ever, ever put more into a company than I do into something for myself. And you’re right. The journey isn’t over. I’m happy to be on the journey with you, K!

  • Ash B.
    Posted at 11:43h, 05 November

    Ok so I identified with so many different parts of this post. Whew. I greatly admire your willingness to be transparent and honest about where you are in life and that will help lots of people! I remember when I got laid off from my job in Dallas in January 2012, I was so upset. I never imagined experiencing something like that and I had those up and down days like you explained in your post. However, that event led me to gain the strength to change the graduate program to another program that I really love. I moved back home to MD with my parents and I am still working on that program. Most of my what the f*** moments lately have revolved around issues with my program, since I am at the end and have had to make some hard and serious decisions about how I am going to carry out my practicum and internship. I have been worried about how I will be able to still make a living and still be able to give my all to my program. I have lamented a lot about how things don’t seem to be falling together the way I have planned or in the time frame that I want. But as you stated, amongst all those moments and many tears, there have been many more “thank you, Jesus!” moments. The journey has been hard and it still is but I’m learning to give myself grace to be and I’m learning to not let any grief be wasted. I’m learning to look at how to turn those negatives into positives in one way or another. So yes. When I say identified with this post, I truly did. In fact, The Girl With Black Pearls came about because of a time of unemployment and needing an outlet. So thank you for sharing! And yes, Nate Parker is fione!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:56h, 11 November

      Thank you, Ashley! It’s gotten easier to say out loud, and one day, I’ll look back and be grateful for this time. But this message right here: “I’m still learning to give myself grace.” Ain’t that it?! I love your blog and even more so that it is an outlet for you! I can’t wait to see what happens with your program.

  • Esta Fiesta
    Posted at 11:54h, 05 November

    Hang in there girl! I think we’ve all been there before and I know it’s cliché but it doesn’t matter that you fall, just how you bounce back.
    I’m in full support of having lazy days. Use this time to better yourself (last time I was unemployed I had a body that rivaled J.Lo’s) but don’t be ashamed when sometimes you just need to binge on Haagen Dazs and watch SATC reruns. On days you’re not COMPLETELY down but could use a lil pick me up? Put on a cute outfit new lipstick and go for a walk! Or a run 😉

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:43h, 11 November

      Thank you, Esta! You’re right, this is a really good time to better myself. And if I may say so myself, my legs are going to look amazing when all this is said and doing from running in the park! Can you text me? I thought your number saved in my phone but it didn’t. Let’s get together soon!

  • GlobeTracer
    Posted at 13:05h, 05 November

    I feel ya about not wanting to write during those “down” times, I struggle with the same thing. But, I think they are equally as important because they are capturing a very vulnerable and transparent moment in life, and guess what, it is only a moment. It’s not the first OR last time you’ll have them. We usually forget what those hard times are like, unless we capture them in writing and get to relive them looking back months down the road. My last lay off in 2011 led me to 1) move to Costa Rica 2) heal in Costa Rica and 3) go back to school. Fast forward and I’m making my dreams come true!

    I applaud you for sharing this, and I want you to know that there are people praying for you, and that the next step is greater! Stay encouraged!

    And if you need some journaling content- check out this self discovery challenge I’ve been meaning to partake in quite a while ago. http://www.allthemanylayers.com/p/30layers30ddays-november-challenge.html

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:58h, 11 November

      This made me smile for so many reasons. One, I’m thankful you shared how you grew from your moment, and two, that you reminded me that this is just that, a moment. Also, I’m going to do this self discovery challenge. Did you decide to do it as well?? Thank you for sharing!

  • Abryllya
    Posted at 15:31h, 05 November

    Don’t give up Channing! There are always big and better things! You might get into a better company…life always has ups and downs but that’s what makes us stronger, dont worry your gonna come back!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:39h, 11 November

      Thank you, Abryllya! I appreciate you 🙂

  • ShesFacingFreedom
    Posted at 20:29h, 05 November

    I am so very proud of you for your courage to write this. I know it wasn’t easy, but it was beautifully written and I just want you to know that I think you are so incredibly strong. Even during this time, you have inspired me and I am grateful to know you. Thanks for sharing love!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:39h, 11 November

      Thank you. *tear* I’m grateful to know you and I’m so so so happy we’re finally in the same place! It’s made such a difference.

  • ChanningintheCity
    Posted at 23:08h, 11 November

    Re, I love that song! Thank you for sharing, it’s so soothing. I’m glad to see that you’re well and blogging again 🙂 I’ve missed you.

  • Tiffany Drysdale
    Posted at 22:09h, 12 November

    Wow. How refreshing it was to see vulnerability laid out on the table. It was nice finally seeing an outfit post, and the blogger isn’t only talking about their shoes =)


    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 12:39h, 17 November

      GIRL. I say the same thing all the time. I want to read real stuff, the shoes are nice, but can I know where you’ve been in those shoes, too. Thanks for reading 🙂

  • CompassionateLee
    Posted at 14:11h, 13 November

    This post is full of wise counsel! At every stage, I’m proud of your maturation Channing. Keep inspiring us ( I mean it!)

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 12:40h, 17 November

      Awww! Thank you! I love your site and what you’re doing. So great!

  • Khadijah Red
    Posted at 16:34h, 14 November

    Hi Channing! Can I just tell you how inspirational you are?! You, your blog, your brand–You’re AMAZING! I LOVE your blog and the tidbits you share about yourself and your life. I read and then re-read this post in tears. Not tears of pity, but more-so, on some “Girl I Fell You” type of emotion if that makes sense. It’s so true what Iyanla says at the beginning of her shows…”Life Happens To Us All” albeit in many different ways. But like everyone else has already said, you WILL bounce back. I know it’s difficult and I’m not in your shoes but your season is coming. Keep rising and shining and remember that everything truly happens for a reason. Your readers love you and we will keep rocking, reading and supporting you in everything that you do.

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 12:41h, 17 November

      Khadijah!! Thank you so much 🙂 I’m going to put this on my inspiration door>> Your readers love you and we will keep rocking, reading and supporting you in everything that you do.

      Thank you for the encouragement and I really appreciate you reading.

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    Posted at 09:00h, 17 November

    […] you all for being so supportive. I am beyond grateful. It was really hard for me to admit that I lost my job publicly—and online at […]

  • ChanningintheCity
    Posted at 12:39h, 17 November

    Bri, my Bri 🙂 Thank you, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I’m still waiting on a phone call or an email, somethin’! Let me know how you are!

    Really, thank you!! And I shall continue to Chancè all over the Internet, hehe.

  • Deborah
    Posted at 19:06h, 01 December

    Channing, this was awesome!! This is a very inspiring read. You definitely showed the meaning of “Making Lemons Out Of Lemonade” lol………………What!!! Tyler has a girlfriend!? Oh snap 🙂

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 00:33h, 10 December

      Thank you, Debbie! I’m trying 🙂

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    Posted at 22:28h, 07 December

    […] literally going to drive yourself crazy, I told myself. You need to get out of this apartment and get some fresh air. Put some actual clothes on and go […]

  • Taliah
    Posted at 00:09h, 09 December

    Hey Channing! I am doing some serious catching up on your blog and felt compelled to comment on this particular post. I had no idea you were laid off (sorry to hear) but all i can say is you gave me inspiration through this post and I appreciate your vulnerability through your words and expression. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and you are right “It did, just with the place I’ve always been employed.
    Myself.” I totally agree with this statement. Building a brand that people love is so self rewarding in itself. Your new layout looks AMAZING and you look so beautiful!! I am so proud of you and will continue to support your journey! Hope to FINALLY see you in NYC next time I’m there! No excuses this time! Lets make it happen! lol



    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 00:34h, 10 December

      Hiiiiiiiii Taliah! How are you? How are things?? I haven’t seen you in so long! I really appreciate you reading my blog and the kind words. You’re right, building a brand is reward enough. YESSS, next time you’re hear I want to see you!! I can’t wait to see you. xChan

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  • Shelby Ivey Christie
    Posted at 19:41h, 09 September

    LOVE this post! I too moved here 2 months ago and was recently laid off from my job. It helped to read about your journey!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 14:09h, 10 September

      I’m sorry to hear that Shelby. Honestly, I can say a year later that I am better for it. I’ve never hustled harder, wrote so mucho or was as clear on my goals as I am now. It’s scary and it sucks but you will be better for it. You already have so much working in your favor. Let me know if I can help you in anyway.