
Swivel Beauty Review


One of the toughest things about my move to New York City was leaving behind the hairdresser that I had been with since I was 12. She worked at the shop where my mother had been getting her hair done since forever. My brother got his first hair cut at the same salon (by my mom’s hairstylist).

I say all this to say, it’s been hard adjusting.

I don’t like a lot of different hands in my head. I’ve been getting by with Drybar but it’s nothing like the salon experience that I was used to.

And then I found Swivel. The brainchild of O, The Oprah Magazine Health Editor Jihan and her co-founder Jenny, Swivel is a review site for hairstylists who specialize in black haircare. The Yelp of black hair salons, if you will, that is a curated, referral-based experience so women in New York City can avoid useless trial and error in the beauty department.

Swivel Beauty Review

Swivel Beauty Review

I reached out to Jihan immediately—I hadn’t had my ends trimmed in over a year—to find the perfect stylist. Both founders swear by Mia-Shanelle and she will come to your house to give you a blowout. Scheduling an appointment with her was super easy, 48 hours before the appointment, Swivel sent me a PayPal invoice, and I paid the balance to confirm the services.

The only stipulation is that when Mia-Shanelle arrived, I have my hair freshly shampooed, conditioned and still wet. I wrapped my hair in a t-shirt turban style to wring out the excess moisture and waited for the buzzer.

Swivel Beauty Review

Wearing: Elizabeth & James Blouse// Elizabeth & James Shorts// Zara Gladiators// Chanel Bag// J.Crew Factory Earrings

Mia-Shanelle arrived on time, wheeling her tool kit, and it wasn’t awkward. We laughed about our troubles on Tinder in between her suggesting oils for me to apply to my hair. I thought she would scold me for waiting so long between trims but she didn’t end up having to take that much off.

She cleaned up the hair before she left and reminded me to walk slowly to the train (so I don’t sweat), wear shirts where my skin won’t come in contact with my skin and carry napkins to dab at the moisture (should I sweat anyhow).

It was my first time having my hair professionally done in a while, and my co-worker didn’t hesitate to bring the difference to my attention, saying my hair looked so “flat.” She meant that as a compliment, I’m sure.

Swivel Beauty Review

Bottom line: try Swivel. You can build your own beauty team that will meet all of your haircare needs whether your hair is kinky, curly, transitioning, relaxed or in locs. If you’re natural (or permed) and want a good blowout at home, try Mia-Shanelle.

You won’t be able to refrain from swiveling around to look at yourself every time you pass a mirror.


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  • Arianna
    Posted at 19:47h, 08 October

    Yaaas, Swivel! I love that Mia-Shanelle sounds so cool and approachable. This is such a great, much-needed service for brown girls everywhere, but especially in NYC.

  • ShesFacingFreedom
    Posted at 19:25h, 18 October

    I agree with Arianna. The struggle is too real. It’s been a while since I’ve had my ends clipped and these photos make me want to straighten my hair. Super cute!

    • ChanningintheCity
      Posted at 22:11h, 21 October

      You should! Fall is the perfect time to do it, too!