
The morning after the Jay-T (creatively coined by Arianna) concert, I woke up refreshed and ready for a trip to the beach with the girls. I think it’s important for you to know that my life lately is a bunch of little trips to the...

“Is it that hot out or is that grease on your face?” My not-so-tactful Fresh & Co salad dude asked me as I waited in line to get my greenery chopped. Yall, is this a New York thing? I had never had a salad chopped...

I love New York and all it’s randomness, especially on days like this. A little after 11:30 yesterday morning, my co-worker marches back to my desk and says she has an adventure to present to me. “‘Kay, I’m listening,” I tell her. She says that...

I had one of those full circle moments on Tuesday. I was in a Pre-Spring/Resort Press Preview and Kanye West’s “Touch the Sky” came on. ‘Kay, so two things. One, my friends and I had just been dissecting Yeezus and how it differs from his...

The most awkward thing happened to me the other day. I was waiting for the 1 train at 28th street to take me to a press preview. I was walking along the platform–I’m not going to lie–I was kind-of pacing in a circle, randomly without...