
I’m a marketer’s dream. I completely buy into stories. I’m looking for the perfect new scent. I’ve been looking for just the one that’s going to capture what I have to say. I know, I know. Scents don’t speak. But I want mine to. I’d...

It seems almost silly to post these photos considering the weather is actually nice today. New York is having some winter. Let me tell you. When I first moved here, a winter storm followed shortly after and everyone said this was the worst winter the...

Over drinks the other night, my friends and I were talking about whether we believed in fate. I do. I think that everything that happens is leading up to something. It all will make sense in the end if you trust the process. Take me...

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the video of  walking through an airport in New York. He’s returning home presumably to get ready for his Adidas release and not-so-secret something taking place presentation during New York Fashion Week. As he’s walking, a photographer is peppering him with questions....

A story about love lost. Specifically, the things I didn’t buy that haunt me. One thing in particular: the Kate Spade Shanghai Takeout bag. A very much appropriate story, considering, we met a year ago, during last February’s New York Fashion Week. The first time I saw the Kate...

I really get overwhelmed sometimes trying to stay on trop of things with my jobs, mentee and all the while plugging away on passion project–my blog. I would love just five minutes to myself (word to #85 ) without having to answer to someone or being...