Channing in the City Tag

I've started and restarted this post about a hundred times. When I imagined that this day would come, I pictured myself so sure and confident in my new life in New York City. I just knew that I would have the right words to say....

I think I told you guys that I have been working on redesigning the blog for some time now. I have a very specific idea of what I want this site to convey. The funny thing is when I felt like I was looking for...

Do owls make that noise or am I thinking of No Limit? Random, I know. Happy October :) I'm wearing my pink Cambridge for Breast Cancer Awareness month, even though it's not the exact shade of pink. The outfit is inspired by the satchel, I wanted to look...

Back in June, I got to be a supermodeeeel. *Cue Clueless music* Just kidding, I'm only 4'11. And much too awkward to pose in front of a crew of people. But I did for Glam and Cotton Inc. Can I tell you that I forgot how versatile cotton as a fabric...

I've always liked seeing my name on things. When I learned how to spell it, I wrote in on the wall in crayon--sorry Mom, LOL. I'll write it on whatever's close to me if I'm sitting somewhere for too long. Those personalized plagues that hung in...

Long before Oprah was telling us we needed vision boards, I was cutting up magazines and putting the images on my walls. Vision books are the grown up version of that. So today I will get you 7 reasons why you should have one. And,...

I swear every big event in my life is marked by rain. Let's recount those times, shall we? It rained the night of my senior Prom. It rained the day I moved into my freshman dorm. It rained the night I met my best friends my freshman year...

Last week, I had the brilliant idea to post a video of seven reasons that I was thankful for my blog to be uploaded to this site on the day of the party. I'm not sure why I thought I would have time the time...

#Chans2YearSoiree was better than I could have ever imagined. It was well worth all of the stress and hard work to see some of my favorite people from different parts of my world all seamlessly collide together Thursday evening inBoConcept. Though, Hpnotiq definitely helped the evening flow making sure...