Sarah Jessica Parker Tag

I love this city, I hate it sometimes, too. In an effort to keep track of my feelings about the Big Apple during my time here I try my best to chronicle them in a letter to this crazy place. Welcome to Dear New York–a series posted...

Here on The City, we are all about cultivating personal style, luckily, we can look to some of our favorite celebrities for a few style lessons. I have this problem. I save magazines. Not all magazines. Just special editions, September issues, and covers featuring Sarah Jessica...

I've noticed something going on with a few stylish ladies like Sarah Jessica Parker, June Ambrose, Emma Stone, and Zoe Saldana. And I think I really like it: wearing red and pink together. I have absolutely no idea why this hasn't occurred to me. I mean, we pair...

Come closer, let me ‘splain something to juu! If you have never seen the movie, Happy Feet that will go right over your head. Anywhooo, let me tell you a secret. There are other magazines that I would rather read than Vogue. Yes, I know all fashionistas study...

I don’t know where my head is lately! I completely forgot to do something to celebrate Sarah Jessica Parker’s birthday. It doesn’t matter how old she is, but she will forever be Carrie Bradshaw to me and that deserves celebrating! In celebration of her (now pasted) special...